This documentary, written and directed by Alexandre O. Philippe, is presented in a court room style as he interviews people from all walks of life about the impact George Lucas has had on their life. It mostly focuses on Lucas' directing career with the main emphasis on the Star Wars films since that is where people really become passionate about their love or hatred of the man. The film paints in very broad strokes over his producing career but dwells on Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. It's surprising how many people lay blame for the lameness of this film solely at Lucas' feet. Steven Spielberg was there too folks, he's just as guilty.
Yeah, I guess I'd have to count myself one of the people to vs. George Lucas. I can appreciate some of the alterations he made with his "special editions" , and if he wanted to release them just to show the public what his original vision was, that would be fine. The fact that he has replaced the originals with these special editions is a little offensive. There is a part of the documentary that covers just how much he's reversed his thinking on this matter.
I've looked forward to this movie ever since i heard it was making the rounds through the festival circuit. It's nice to see a movie that can live up to the promise from a good title. You should make time to check this out.
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