I feel like I'm getting older but it's the world that's going crazy. When I was a kid, there was a flag in every classroom of my school. In elementary school we said The Pledge of Allegiance every morning. It was just something you did, like the national anthem before sporting events.
In the 1990's everybody started getting all sensitive. Because of the word "God", students no longer said it. I personally don't have any strong religious beliefs so the line about "One nation, under God..." doesn't really bother me. It does bother me that people seem to have forgotten the other part part of that which is "Liberty and justice for all."
Here we are in 2014 and they are taking the American flags out of American schools. There are laws being debated that would legalize discrimination and we're about to have Cold War II. This country used to be a super power, there were captains of industry, a car in every garage and a chicken in every pot. Now, there is nothing being produced in this country except a steady stream of reality t.v. celebutards, there are people starving as we send billions of dollars in relief aid to other countries and we're teaching the next generation to fear anything different and hate what they don't understand.
Aren't we supposed to get smarter with age? Don't things evolve over time? I've defended this country from enemies domestic and abroad but it's starting to feel like we are our own worst enemy. What the fuck, America? Why is it so hard for us to get our shit together?
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