Saturday, December 24, 2011

Twelve Days Of Christmas Day 10

Santa's Slay
     In 1005, an angel challenged the son of Satan, Santa Claus, to a wager. If the angel could slide a rock closer than Santa to a hole in the ice, then Santa had to be nice for 1000 years. If the angel lost, his soul would be damned in Hell for eternity. The angel won and the rest is history. Until now...
     1000 years later, the deal is over and Santa is spreading some holiday fear. Santa is back with a vengeance, killing everyone in sight. Will the townspeople be able to stop him or will the angel return again to save the world? Check out Santa's Slay for all of these answers and more.
     Packed with familiar faces and more fun than a barrel of monkeys, if you don't enjoy this movie then check your pulse.

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