Friday, December 23, 2011

Twelve Days Of Christmas Day 9

Santa Claus Conquers The Martians
     Kimar (Leonard Hicks), the supreme leader of Mars, is perplexed when he discovers that all of the children of his planet are unhappy, even his own, Bomar (Chris Month) and Girmar (Pia Zadora).
     He consults with the great sage, Chochem (Carl Don), who tells him of a man on Earth who makes their children happy on the twelfth calendar month.
     Kimar devises Operation: Santa Claus and together with his crew, sets forth to Earth to capture Santa (John Call) and bring him to Mars.
     Voldar (Vincent Beck) however, has other plans. He is against bringing the jolly old fat man back to the red planet. Who cares if the children are unhappy? Mars has grown soft under the current administration and he wants to see it restored to a planet of warriors.
     Will Voldar succeed in his attempt to return to the old ways or will Kimar and Santa spread good will to men and Martians? These and other questions will be answered when you see Santa Claus Conquers The Martians. Featuring the holiday favorite Hooray For Santy Claus!

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